EdUHK-THU Education Forum:
Future Education and Learning

13 - 14 June 2025

About Us

In the digital age, education faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities, particularly with the advent of generative AI. The Education University of Hong Kong and Tsinghua University are delighted to co-host this Forum which brings together experts to discuss how AI is reshaping traditional educational paradigms, future curriculum development, value and ethical considerations in AI-enhanced learning, AI literacy, educational leadership and entrepreneurship education.

By addressing these critical issues, we aim to equip educators, policymakers, and researchers with the insights needed to navigate the complex interplay between AI and education, ensuring that technological advancements serve to enhance, rather than replace, human-centric learning experiences.

Keynote Speakers

Professor John Chi-Kin LEE

The Education University of Hong Kong

Professor Bin YANG

Vice President
Tsinghua University

Professor Zhongying SHI

Dean, Institute of Education
Tsinghua University

Professor Roger AZEVEDO

Director, SMART Lab 
Institute for Simulation and Training
University of Central Florida

Professor Mutlu CUKUROVA

Learning and Artificial Intelligence,
University College London

Professor Michael HENDERSON

Digital Futures, Faculty of Education
Monash University


Supporting Organisations